The Nightmare of the X84 bus

The blog which tells you how often the X84 bus messes up my life

Friday, April 28, 2006

The X84 16:14 bus from Ilkley bus did not turn up today. The next bus due at 16:34 was late and when the bus finally rolled up, the driver, instead of letting passengers on the bus decided he wanted a cigarette break! After five minutes of smoking he decided to get back on the bus. He was followed by a queue of people, already disgruntled by having to wait so long, trying to board the bus. He then shouted at everyone "give me some breathing space and just back off"! He was rather agressive. There was absolutely no need for such rude behaviour on his behalf. He finally did let us on the bus. I very nearly missed my coach due to this vile and tardy bus driver.


  • At 2:23 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I have to get the X84 bus to work every weekday. Today the 8am bus from Otley didn't turn up and when teh next bus turned up 15 minutes later it was a single decker. Thankfully I got a seat but then had to suffer and standing passengers groin in my face for most of the journey. WHen are First going to start putting double deckers on in the morning?!!!

  • At 8:19 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi, just seen your blog keep up the good work, so today i cought the X84, we asked the bus driver a ticket to headingley, the bus driver told us he wasnt stopping there and to get off his bus and catch another bus , we got off the bus but then thought we wanted to go back to ilkley (my home), bus driver said NO he would not let us in after negociations he let us in , finally bus driver let us in but he wouldnt give my friends 10 pound note back, again and again I handed him the correct amount for the ride but he would not give the note back, when we arrived at destination he gave us the initial change back pretending he did not have it before... a trully terrible X84 nigntmare


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