The Nightmare of the X84 bus

The blog which tells you how often the X84 bus messes up my life

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Fuel costs hit FirstGroup profits "For the six months to the end of September, the UK's largest bus company and one of the biggest operators of yellow school buses in the US delivered pre-tax profits of £55.3m compared with £64.3m for the same period a year ago."


  • At 2:17 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi, my blog's similar to yours...

    Only just started it, but I've given yours a plug...

  • At 11:38 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It's not just fuel costs, insurance cost have risen a lot, hence a lot of smaller independent operators were driven out of buisness becuase of these two. This is why bus fares have gone up.
    Ah, but theres not pleasing some people.


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