The Nightmare of the X84 bus

The blog which tells you how often the X84 bus messes up my life

Friday, May 07, 2004

Unbelievable day for the X84 bus service. First of all I was late for work as the 9.35am bus due from Otley was 20 minutes late.

Getting home from work truly was a nightmare! 3 buses failed to turn up so there was a crowd of people at Ilkley bus station all trying to get home. I overheard a few people vowing never to come back to Ilkley as they said the X84 bus service constantly let them down and it just wasn't worth the hassle. I have to use the X84 as it's the only bus to go past my house. A bus finally came at 3.04pm, which would usually mean peak fare but we all kicked up a fuss about the appalling lack of service and that if the bus came when it was suppose to we would have paid half fare. Luckily we were all allowed to buy half fare tickets.


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